Church History
Pastor Cooper started a Wednesday night Bible Study in his home. It began with his family sitting around the dining room table with him teaching them the word of God. He felt he was doing what God wanted him to do, but God had other plans on a much larger scale. After a few weeks, others heard about the bible study and began to come. Later, God began speaking to Pastor Cooper and showing more of His will for pastor’s life. God told him it was time to start the church that was purposed and ordained for him to Pastor. People needed the ministry and the anointing God had placed in pastor life. Pastor Cooper remembers working on his job and pondering with himself, “what would the church be named”? The Holy Spirit led him to II Corinthians 2:14. Upon reading, he knew that the name of the church would come from that verse. That’s how Triumphant Ones Ministries came forth. We soon out grew the house and needed another place to go. God opened a door for us at the YWCA downtown. We stayed there for about a month. We wanted more stability for the ministry, so we began to seek God for another place to go where we could be more rooted. He led us to a building in Airport Hills, where we stayed for about two years. We then had to find another place because the Airport authorities bought the property. We sought God for another building and he blessed us with a place of worship located in Ensley, Alabama. In 1998, God lead Pastor to come from the western side of the city back to the eastern side of the city. God gave us a wonderful facility larger than any we’ve had before. God is still adding souls to the ministry. We are busy developing mature Christians for the work of ministry. We are determined to see the vision that God has given our Pastor for this church become more and more manifested.
Triumphant Ones Ministries is reaching the world for Christ and admonishing its members to become winners in life through the sharing of our faith and practical teachings of God’s Word.
Triumphant Ones Ministries will develop its members in mature Christians, challenging them to live lives of holiness and righteousness by equipping them to properly represent Jesus Christ in the earth.
Mission Statement
To be a growing church for Christ.
To prepare our members to be an effective witness for Jesus Christ.
To develop our members into mature Christians.
To develop our ministries of excellence for God's glory.
To develop a people of strong Christian character.
To build a ministry, guided by the Holy Spirit to do the perfect will of God.
To be a people of consistent giving in our tithes and offerings, thereby being able to do whatever God has purposed for us to do without borrowing from any financial institution.
To be a people of great prosperity both spiritually and naturally.
To be a people skilled in the Word of God.
To build strong men and women of God, whereas we will be able to build strong families, communities, cities, etc.